Our plans are submitted (again)

Our plans are submitted (again)

The road to a building permit is full of twists and turns, and at times it’s a challenge to navigate. But we’re so grateful to be working with an incredible team at Naikoon. Simon and Kevin have put in many hours to get us back to this place. Thanks Guys. As you’ll know from a previous post, the City of North Vancouver as part of their review, informed us that they no longer allow “Roof Access Hatches” as they have been shown to be dangerous and tricky to navigate. However, the HUGE BONUS is that thanks to changes in the BC Building code, there are now exceptions to allow for a walk-out roof access that does not count in height calculations. This was really the best possible outcome, and we are so thrilled. Again thanks to Brittney at CNV for guiding us so graciously through this. But the result was a LOT of re-working, involving almost everyone; engineering, mechanical design, environmental design, envelope engineering, not to mention the 100+ hours I probably spent on the plans themselves. But we’ve made it, and today our new-and-improved plans are back at the City for their blessing.