
So much to be grateful for! Kane and I are so blessed and feel deeply grateful for this extraordinary and privileged journey to build a home together.  Thanksgiving was a spectacular sunny but cool day at Summerfell, we sat on our new roof deck looking out at the forest and thought back on all that has happened this past year with… read more

In the treetops

It’s a Tree House! Our roof deck is shaping up to be stunning, at a height of 30′ above the back yard it truly feels you are above-it-all and living in the trees.  Today was our first time walking around on deck, and we were delighted with the views and sunshine. Particularly how the afternoon sun illuminates the large cottonwood… read more

So much has happened in a month

It’s been a very full past month! Wow, where to start. The last month has been a blur. We sold our house, packed and moved into a fabulous apartment in Coal Harbour which will be our home until Summerfell is completed in June. We’re loving downtown life, with regular bike rides around Stanley Park, and eating out 4-5 times a week.… read more