So much has happened in a month

So much has happened in a month

It’s been a very full past month!

Wow, where to start. The last month has been a blur. We sold our house, packed and moved into a fabulous apartment in Coal Harbour which will be our home until Summerfell is completed in June. We’re loving downtown life, with regular bike rides around Stanley Park, and eating out 4-5 times a week. We have some favourite restaurants (like Tableau) where all the staff know our names and we’re already ordering off-menu items. We’ve been to the VSO twice in a month, and absolutely loving the convenience of living in the heart of a thriving city. 

Meanwhile it’s been non-stop progress at Summerfell with framing continuing. This week will see the completion of the 2nd floor roof, and the start of the 3rd floor walk-out and roof deck! (yes there are 4 levels)

Kane and I standing in our back-yard. 

Kane standing in the front door, and then checking out the view from what will be the roof deck. 

Our awesome crew from Naikoon standing on our back deck, behind them is the splendour of  Mosquito Creek & the forest.