It all starts here…

It all starts here…

August 5th, 2020. 

Mosquito Creek is one of my favourite spots, I have so many great memories walking Cooper up along the creek. Just off the side of the main trail is the most beautiful nature walk, meandering through old-growth forest and along side a tranquil babbling creek. 

On one morning walk, I was so inspired by the splendour that I decided to sit and do my morning meditation at this exact spot. Expressing gratitude to God for all his blessing, I asked Him to guide Kane and I in our future, and shared my dream for us to build a home together. 

It could only be called a miracle that just a couple of hundred feet away sat the perfect piece of land just waiting for us. 

Now every time we go to our new property we walk past this spot and I will always remember that beautiful August morning.