So much has happened

So much has happened

It’s been a few months since we’ve posted, and so much has happened!

This photo above shows our back yard starting to take shape, with the outline of where Kane’s greenhouse will go.

Kane and I enjoying the May sunshine from our main rear deck (there are actually 4 floors of outdoor space)

The view from our back deck looking onto the forest and Mosquito Creek. You can also see our fancy awnings that can extend and retract to provide shade and protection. 

Our roof deck is taking shape also, this is where the hot tub and pergola will go.

We were excited today to invite our friend Christina back one year since she was at Summerfell last.In this photo you can see our laneway house and garage. 

Our thanks as always to our incredible team (more like small army) of dedicated professionals & trades people who are so dedicated to quality and incredible attention to detail. There are many days where there are more than a dozen people working on site, especially right now with landscapers, drywallers, plumbers, electricians & carpenters all under the expert supervision the Naikoon project team. Thank you everyone we are very privileged and grateful to be working with you all.