The Big Dig

The Big Dig

Excavations are well underway at Summerfell. This week saw a LOT of earth moved and a lot of it hauled away. Even though our basement is walk-out at the rear, we are pretty amazed with just how big the hole has to be. Apparently they need to dig down several feel BELOW the foundations for drainage, and footings. The hole is also 2′ wider than the exterior walls to allow for working space. We ran into a bit of a challenge with shoring up the neighbours soil, but Naikoon and the Geotechnical engineers have an innovative solution that they will be putting in place this week. 

It’s a lot of fun going over the property each day to see what has been going on, although I think for the next little bit it is just going to be a bigger and more expensive hole in the ground. 

This week we are getting a live web-cam installed, so stay tuned for that update.