Site Prep continues…

Site Prep continues…

You never really appreciate how much work goes into preparing a site to build until you see it first hand. After tons and tons of dirt are removed, then begins the compacting and drainage preparations. Modern homes also require an extensive sediment and erosion control system, we have a massive network of sumps and a huge sediment field that has already been buried deep in the back yard. 

The black plastic you see around the excavation is to protect the banks from erosion until they are ready for backfill. Even this is a carefully managed process with regular visits from a Geotechnical engineer to ensure the safety and integrity of the dig. 

We also had a site office installed, which affords the workers a nice retreat from the site and a secure place to keep plans, tools & equipment. I enjoyed watching it arrive live while in my Tesla one afternoon thanks to our new 24/7 live stream webcam. 

This week will see the final site prep, and next week the footings will be put in place ready for the big concrete pour on July 2nd.