Spring at Summerfell

Spring at Summerfell

Spring has truly arrived at Summerfell. Mosquito Creek is spectacular this time of the year, making our backyard the perfect place for sunny picnics and drive-in dinners. 

Although we have not broken ground there has been plenty of activity this month. The beginning of the month saw us submitting our revised plans to the City of North Vancouver, followed quickly with our formal submission for our Coach House. Consequential to the design changes have been many meetings with our builders and consultants to revise engineering and mechanical specifications. Our world-class builders, Naikoon Construction, believe in detailing almost every aspect of the project (often in excruciating detail) in advance of starting construction. 

We have received approval from 3 out of 4 departments at the City of North Vancouver, and are just waiting for the final stamp of approval from their engineering department. Apparently they are extremely overwhelmed with the massive wave of applications for building, but they have promised that we’re “up next” – so hopefully that means any-day-now. 

Once we get the approval from Engineering our builders will be ready to mobilize the earth moving equipment to start the excavation. I am believing that we’ll be in-the-ground by Kane’s birthday May 17th. 

As part of our preliminary review of our Coach House, the City of North Vancouver advised us that we had to remove the large Cedar hedge at the front of the property. Technically it was on their property, and they felt it was encroaching on the sidewalk, plus they have a vision for open streetscapes. So unfortunately we had to cut down the old hedge which provided some really nice privacy and screening from the road. However, I feel this now allows us a blank slate to landscape without encumbrance. Check out our preliminary landscaping plans for the front yard.

The day the hedge was removed Kane and I camped out on the property to watch. We really must have looked quite funny sitting on our chairs supervising like old Grampies.